Still can’t wrap my head around IAC…

…although I’m sure there is a logic behind the purchase of the brokerage Distinctive Homes and Land by their division.

Maybe my problem is that I don’t really get I’m presuming they sell leads to agents (or what would be the purpose of their When AgentsCompete… You Win! product and calls to action of “receive an immediate call” throughout the site). Are they buying a brokerage because they’ll be able to get a bigger slice of the pie if the agents are in-house?

4 responses

  1. They must have different business models for different parts of the country. In the Pacific NW, they’re a regular brokerage with agents, just like anyone else….

  2. Marlow: When you say “they’re a regular brokerage” do you mean or Distinctive Homes and Land?

  3. is a brokerage in Phoenix, too. The called recruiting a few months ago.

  4. Interesting… I’m back to the thought behind my title: “Still can’t wrap my head around IAC.”

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