…on the real estate industry in this article that is quite flattering of blogging!
The diverse cast she mentions includes (in order of appearance):
- Larry Cragun
- Diane Cohn
- Teresa Boardman
- Athol Kay
- Marlow Harris
- Keith
- Ben Jones
- Debi Averett
- Me
- Greg Swann
- Joshua Dorkin
- Your Mama
- Kris “Erma Bombeck” Berg
Greg not only said some wonderful things about me to Ann, but also passed my name along to her, which led to my own contributions to the article. Thank you Greg!
It’s a lot of fun to watch the RE.net get some good press in the real estate section of the LA Times!
Here’s my only comment:
“many agent blogs seem to lack the pizazz and originality needed to thrust them into the national limelight.”
What’s the point? I don’t care if I’m in the ‘national limelight’, that’s not my core audience. My core audience are those who are looking to buy or sell real estate in my area. Sure others have gotten their 15 minutes of fame, and still others are pursuing peddling products, services and conferences to agents. That’s not my focus, my focus is the real estate buying/selling consumer.
Last in the list? I guess that makes me the “closer” – Sort of the Trevor Hoffman of blogging! Thanks for the link, Dustin. (I also suspect I should be thanking Greg for the mention.)
Thanks for the nod Dustin. BTW Christina is right. There is more than one reason to blog about real estate. Local blogs can be great in finding local connections. Rudy is an example of how national attention can lead to something else. I hope it is helping your consulting business as you do know your stuff.
Seeing the idea of a hook getting national media attention was in reference to myself and Marlow, I’ll try and reply.
I’m pretty darn sure I’m the only realtor in my local area (Bristol, Connecticut) that has ever been written about in the LA Times.
That little piece of information will be tacked on to most of my marketing. It seems to be a better personal branding statement than “I man the phones unpaid at my brokerage”.
Plus I’ll be forwarding the article to my small local paper that is news hungry.
Also hat tip to Josh Dorkin who passed my name on to Ann Brenoff. Thanks!
Hats off to all for a great article. I love it when MSM spreads the love….
Congrats to all for the LA Times mention.
While the exposure is great for all the bloggers, perhaps the real beneficiary of the mention is the LA Times.
Is it possible that Ann Brenoff of the LA Times will receive more visitors to her article from the bloggers’ websites that were mentioned than the other way around?
At some point won’t the readership of just the real estate blogs mentioned in Ann’s article (not to mention top re blog sites not mentioned) soon exceed the readership of the LA times real estate section (online and off)?
You peaked my curiosity, so I decided to do a bit of research…
LA Times sent 33 visitors in the past 24 hours to RCG, while 4realz sent the LA times only 7 visitors. 🙁
So at least from my my blogs, the LA Times is still sending over 4X the traffic.
(although to my credit, I bet I sent more than a few visitors to the LA Times article from my RSS feed and those don’t show up in my stats.)
The word is getting out there – I did like the theme of blogging Realtors having more power- Congrats to everyone featured!!
I do think a lot of hyperlocal blogs are not looking for national coverage – back to defining the concept of each site, no?
Readership for me today tripled Louis.
Athol: You got a couple of awesome plugs in the article (as well as follow up blog posts at the LA Times), so I’m not surprised to hear you got a nice traffic bump. Congrats!
Nice to know. Congratulations. Now I wonder how much of a boost Ann’s readership got as a result of mentioning you and the others!